How to Submit a Book Proposal
American Legacy Media will not consider unsolicited manuscripts, but we welcome book proposals under certain conditions. We are interested in historical fiction and non-fiction titles which focus on compelling personal stories, biographies, world history, and military subjects of the twentieth century.
If you wish to submit a title for consideration for publication, please send a completed book proposal consisting of:
A letter or e-mail describing the work as a whole, including any and all pertinent information about your project, what makes it unique, and a description of your target audience.
A proposed table of contents (if non-fiction) as an attachment if being sent via e-mail.
One or two sample chapters. (As an attachment if being sent via e-mail.) Please give us a sense of the scope of the project and your writing style. (Do not submit an entire manuscript.)
A paragraph describing your project, your qualifications to write this book, and information about similar titles that would help a reader know what your book could be likened to. (As an attachment if being sent via e-mail.)
You must include your return address, and other contact information, including a pertinent phone number and e-mail.
The name, qualifications and contact information of the professional editor(s) who worked on your manuscript. Please disclose any personal relationship you have with your editor(s).
Please allow four to six weeks for a response. If we choose to pursue your manuscript for publishing, we will contact you regarding your options. Unfortunately we receive many more book proposals than we can publish. We hope to publish many quality books in the future, especially from among the unsolicited proposals we receive. If you are unsure how to best prepare your proposal, please consult one of the many good online references.
Please go here for our e-mail or mailing information
Authors who are asked to submit a manuscript.
If we request your manuscript, these guidelines will help clarify the process of submitting it to American Legacy Media.
Presentation of the manuscript:
Manuscripts should be sent electronically in MS Word (No PDF). It is not necessary to design the page to appear like a printed page. However, please make the various headings clear and logical. Insure that all sections of the manuscript are complete and in their final, copy edited form when presented. Include a preface, foreword or glossary if it can help the copy editor understand your title.
Checklist of what to include:
List of contents with chapter headings and main sub-headings (if non-fiction).
List of acronyms and abbreviations.
Lists of figures, boxes, tables – a separate one for each.
About the contributors’ material – for edited volumes only.
The copy editing process cannot begin until we have all of the material we need.
At our discretion, we may ask for a physical copy of your manuscript. The criteria will be provided at that time. If you are asked to send a physical copy, do not send us the only copy of your work. Keep a copy of the entire work and a copy of all the electronic files.